Premium Combo Cadillac Reformer - Private Pilates

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const getPluginI18nMessages = (message, replaceObj = {}) => { const lang = document.documentElement.lang || "en-US"; const [form, key] = message.split('.') let text = window.payment_plugin_message['en-US'][form][key]; if (window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form].hasOwnProperty(key)) { text = window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form][key]; } Object.keys(replaceObj).forEach(key => { text = text.replace(new RegExp(`\{${key}\}`, 'gi'), replaceObj[key]); }) return text; } const zhCN = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多支付方式", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "快捷支付按钮", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "请点击左侧列表中的「快捷支付按钮」,在设置页面开启想要的展示的支付按钮", mock_tips: "快捷支付按钮是否展示还取决于买家使用的浏览器以及商品的货币、金额", not_find_form_tips: "快捷支付按钮组件仅支持配置到商品详情卡片内", } }; const zhTW = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多付款方式", } }; const arSA = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "المزيد من خيارات الدفع", } }; const deDE = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten", } }; const esES = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Más opciones de pago", } }; const frFR = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Plus d'options de paiement", } }; const idID = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Opsi pembayaran lainnya", } }; const itIT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Altre opzioni di pagamento", } }; const jaJP = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "その他の支払いオプション", } }; const koKR = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "더 많은 결제 옵션", } }; const enUS = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "More payment options", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "Express Checkout Button", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "Please click the「Express checkout button」on the block list,then you could enable the payment option you want to display in settings.", mock_tips: "Whether the Express checkout button is displayed also depends on the browser used by the buyer and the currency and amount of the product.", not_find_form_tips: "Express Checkout Button could only be added to Product details block.", } }; const nlNL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Meer betalingsmogelijkheden", } }; const plPL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Więcej Opcji Płatności", } }; const ptPT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Mais opções de pagamento", } }; const ruRU = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Другие варианты оплаты", } }; const thTH = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "ตัวเลือกการชำระเงินเพิ่มเติม", } }; window.payment_plugin_message = { getPluginI18nMessages, "zh-CN": zhCN, "zh-TW": zhTW, "ar-SA": arSA, "de-DE": deDE, "es-ES": esES, "fr-FR": frFR, "id-ID": idID, "it-IT": itIT, "ja-JP": jaJP, "ko-KR": koKR, "en-US": enUS, "nl-NL": nlNL, "pl-PL": plPL, "pt-PT": ptPT, "ru-RU": ruRU, "th-TH": thTH, } document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_plugin_message_reader'));
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const productData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($product || {})); return productData || {}; } return {}; }, isChrome() { return navigator?.userAgent?.indexOf('Chrome') > -1 || navigator?.userAgent?.indexOf('CriOS') > -1; }, isSafari() { let userAgentString = navigator.userAgent; let chromeAgent = userAgentString.indexOf('Chrome') > -1 || navigator?.userAgent?.indexOf('CriOS') > -1; let safariAgent = userAgentString.indexOf('Safari') > -1; if (chromeAgent && safariAgent) { safariAgent = false; } return safariAgent; }, isPreview() { return !!window?.C_EDITING_SETTINGS?.oseid; }, multiply(a, b) { const precision = 2; // 保留两位小数 return Number((a * b).toFixed(precision)); }, loadScript(fnReady, id, src, datasets, onError, attributeConfig = {}) { const sdkDomId = id + '-sdk'; if (fnReady() || document.getElementById(sdkDomId)) { return Promise.resolve({id: true}); } return new Promise((resolve) => { const s = document.createElement('script'); = sdkDomId; s.src = src; s.defer = true; if (datasets) { Object.keys(datasets).map((item) => { s.dataset[item] = datasets[item]; 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const coreData = function () { const {getProduct} = dom.commonUtils; let productDetail = getProduct(); let productPrice = productDetail?.selected?.price || 5695; const shopCurrencyCode = "USD"; const expressCheckoutList = { sdkErrorList: [], paymentChannelList: [], disabledChannelList: [], showChannelList: [], blockChannelList: [], extraChannelList: [], }; const channelType = { googlepay: ['shoplazzagoogle'], applepay: ['shoplazzaapple'], credit: ['paypal'] }; const ecGlobalVarEnums = { paypal: 'pluginPaypalEC' }; const providerEnums = { SHOPLAZZA: 'shoplazza', STRIPE: 'stripe', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelEnums = { SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE: 'shoplazzagoogle', SHOPLAZZA_APPLE: 'shoplazzaapple', STRIPE_GOOGLE: 'stripegoogle', STRIPE_APPLE: 'stripeapple', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelThemeConfig = { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: { default: { url: 'oss/operation/f557c83808e1cd456411170286a1ea95.svg', classList: ['paypal-card'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/778afb93da43adf75bdc80b078e5d4fd.svg', classList: ['googlepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/e53180c224f0b0af44b44663775aa930.svg', classList: ['googlepay-dark'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/dadceb884044e0a9bbfe26c15192f542.svg', classList: ['applepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/6597f66eac8b0681ebfb75941e8f6f52.svg', classList: ['applepay-dark'], }, }, }; function getContainerDomId() { const domIdObj = {}; Object.keys(providerEnums).forEach(key => { domIdObj[providerEnums[key]] = FormatterContainerDomId(providerEnums[key]) }) return domIdObj; } function FormatterContainerDomId(provider) { const domIDSuffix = '-express-button-container'; const prefix = 'pm-'; return `${prefix}${provider}${domIDSuffix}-1539149753700-10` } return { ecGlobalVarEnums, providerEnums, channelEnums, productPrice, shopCurrencyCode, getChannelThemeConfig(ecName) { const themeType = window.PaymentEC?.settings?.express_theme_configs?.[ecName]?.theme_type?.toLowerCase() || 'default'; return channelThemeConfig[ecName][themeType] || channelThemeConfig[ecName]['dark']; }, getProductPrice() { return productDetail?.selected?.price; }, getProductDetail() { return productDetail; }, setProductDetail(data) { productDetail = data; }, isRequiresShipping() { return productDetail?.product?.requires_shipping }, getOpenChannelType() { const {paymentChannelList, blockChannelList} = expressCheckoutList const openList = paymentChannelList.filter(item => blockChannelList.includes(item)) || []; return { hasApplepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.applepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasGooglepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.googlepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasCredit: openList.filter(item => > 0 } }, containerDomId: getContainerDomId(), channel2ProviderEnums: { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: providerEnums.PAYPAL, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.STRIPE_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, [channelEnums.STRIPE_APPLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, }, getExpressCheckoutList() { return expressCheckoutList; }, setShowChannel(showChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.showChannelList = showChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setBlockChannel(blockChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.blockChannelList = blockChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setPaymentChannelList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.paymentChannelList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setSdkErrorList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.sdkErrorList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.extraChannelList = extraChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.disabledChannelList = disabledChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; } } } dom.coreDataFn = coreData; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { coreData: true } })) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } // 通用业务数据处理方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-10') const businessUtils = function () { const {track, isChrome, isSafari, req, isPreview, multiply} = dom.commonUtils; const {getProductPrice, containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums} = dom.coreData; const { channelEnums, shopCurrencyCode, isRequiresShipping, getProductDetail, setShowChannel, setBlockChannel, setSdkErrorList, setExtraChannelList, setDisabledChannelList, setPaymentChannelList, getExpressCheckoutList } = dom.coreData; const _businessUtils = { getECConfig: async () => { if (window.PaymentEC?.settings) { return window.PaymentEC?.settings; } const result = await req.get('/api/payment/settings'); const ecConfig = result?.settings?.express_checkout_config || {}; const {blockChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); setPaymentChannelList(blockChannelList.filter(ecName => ecConfig?.express_channels?.includes(ecName)) || []); window.PaymentEC.settings = {...ecConfig, currencyCode: shopCurrencyCode}; return window.PaymentEC.settings; }, getAttributeConfig(channelInfo) { const {ecGlobalVar, ecName} = channelInfo; const config = { paypal: { 'data-namespace': ecGlobalVar } }; return config[ecName] || {}; }, getThemeFormData() { let themeFormData = {}; const formDOM = dom.closest("form"); if (formDOM) { themeFormData = { note: '', product_id: '', variant_id: '', quantity: 1, properties: {}, }; const formData = new FormData(formDOM); const formDataKey = formData.keys(); for (const key of formDataKey) { const value = formData.get(key); const propertiesKey = key.match(/^properties(?:\.(\w+)$|\[(\w+)\]$)/); if (!propertiesKey) { themeFormData[key] = value; continue; } const objKey = propertiesKey[1] || propertiesKey[2]; themeFormData['properties'] = {...themeFormData['properties'], [objKey]: value}; } } return themeFormData; }, getProductFormData() { const themeFormData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData() return [{ ...themeFormData, note: themeFormData?.note || "", product_id: themeFormData?.product_id || "", variant_id: themeFormData?.variant_id || "", quantity: themeFormData?.quantity || 1, // 与主题确认,只以一个为准,防止form不存在的数据仍被传递 properties: themeFormData?.properties || {}, }] }, getOrderFetchParams(data) { if (!data) { return {}; } return { line_items: => ({ ...item, note: item?.note || "", quantity: item?.quantity || 1, product_id: item?.product_id, variant_id: item?.variant_id, properties: item?.properties, })), refer_info: { source: 'buy_now', }, customer_note: '', }; }, isAllowTheme() { const allowThemeList = ['Nova 2023', 'Dropshiping', 'Geek', 'Hero']; const currentTheme = window?.C_SETTINGS?.theme?.merchant_theme_name; return allowThemeList.includes(currentTheme); }, getSubscriptionIdInit() { let defaultID; const selectSubscriptionEnum = { CLOSE: 1, ACTIVE: 2, } const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const sellingPlan = ""; if (!sellingPlan || typeof sellingPlan !== "object") { return null; } let sellingItems; if (sellingPlan?.spu?.[productDetail?.product?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.spu[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingPlan?.sku?.[productDetail?.selected?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.sku[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingItems?.cycles === selectSubscriptionEnum.ACTIVE && sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id) { defaultID = sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null }, getSubscriptionId() { const formData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData(); const defaultID = _businessUtils.getSubscriptionIdInit(); console.log(`[paymentEC]订阅信息:form-${formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id},默认-${defaultID}`); if (formData?.properties) { return formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null; }, isSubscription() { return !!_businessUtils.getSubscriptionId(); }, isAllowSubscriptionPay(channel) { if (!_businessUtils.isSubscription()) { return true; } return [channelEnums.PAYPAL].includes(channel); }, blockChannelHandler() { const block_googlePay = false && "shoplazzagoogle"; const block_applePay = false && "shoplazzaapple"; const block_credit = true && "paypal"; const blockChannel = { googlepay: (isPreview() || isChrome()) && block_googlePay, applepay: (isPreview() || isSafari()) && block_applePay, credit: block_credit }; const sortList = ['credit', 'googlepay', 'applepay']; const methodSort = Object.keys(blockChannel).filter(key => blockChannel[key] && key).sort((a, b) => { const indexA = sortList.indexOf(a); const indexB = sortList.indexOf(b); return indexA - indexB; }).map(key => blockChannel[key]); const result = setBlockChannel(methodSort); track('setBlockChannel', result); return result; }, showECButtonHandler() { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList); track('showECButton', result); return result; }, filterECButtonHandler({type}, cb) { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList.filter((ecName) => ecName !== type) || []); cb && cb(); track('filterECButton', result); return result; }, loadSDKErrorHandler(type) { const {sdkErrorList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setSdkErrorList([...sdkErrorList, type]); track('loadSDKError', result); return result; }, extraFilterShowHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList.filter(ecName => ecName !== channel)); track('extraFilterEvent_show', result); return result; }, extraFilterHideHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList([...extraChannelList, channel]); track('extraFilterEvent_hide', result); return result; }, disabledChannelListHandler(checkoutData = {}, cb) { const {paymentChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const disabledChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter(ecName => { let mustDisable = false; if (!isRequiresShipping() && ecName !== channelEnums.PAYPAL) { mustDisable = true; } if (!_businessUtils.isAllowSubscriptionPay(ecName)) { mustDisable = true; } if (!productDetail?.selected?.available) { mustDisable = true; } const {payment_due} = checkoutData?.prices; const paymentDueNum = Number(payment_due || 0) * 100; const showFlag = paymentDueNum > 0; return mustDisable || !showFlag; }) const result = setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList) result?.disabledChannelList?.forEach(ecName => { cb && cb(ecName); }) track('disabledChannelListEvent', result); }, async getCheckoutData() { const formData = _businessUtils.getProductFormData(); const totalPrice = multiply(getProductPrice(), formData?.[0]?.quantity || 0); return { prices: {payment_due: totalPrice, subtotal_price: totalPrice}, orderParams: _businessUtils.getOrderFetchParams(_businessUtils.getProductFormData()), containerDOMIdEnums: containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums } }, } return _businessUtils } dom.businessUtilsFn = businessUtils; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { businessUtils: true } })) } catch (e) { } // 通用渲染方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-10'); const containerDOM = 'pm-payment-express-button-container-1539149753700-10'; const commonRenderUtils = function () { return { addChildrenDOM(id, allowShow, options = {}) { if (!id) { return; } const paymentEl = document.getElementById(containerDOM); const childrenEL = document.getElementById(id); if (paymentEl && childrenEL) { = allowShow ? 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function getFilly() { const fillyTag = getExtUrl('filly'); if (fillyTag) { loadFilly(fillyTag, init); } } function extraFilterEvent(e) { const {channel, domId, allowShow} = e?.detail || {}; if (channel && domId) { if (allowShow) { extraFilterShowHandler(channel); } else { extraFilterHideHandler(channel); filterECButtonHandler({type: channel}, () => removeChildrenDOM(domId) ); } renderEC(); } } const renderEC = () => { showECButtonHandler(); const {showChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const {firstClick, maxSize} = getMoreButtonConfig(); if (showChannelList.length === 0) { showMoreButton(renderEC); } showChannelList.forEach((ecName, index) => { const disableShow = firstClick && index >= maxSize; addChildrenDOM(containerDomId[channel2ProviderEnums[ecName]], !disableShow, getChannelThemeConfig(ecName)); showMoreButton(renderEC); }); } const loadErrorEvent = (type) => { const domID = containerDomId[type]; if (!domID) { return; } loadSDKErrorHandler(type); filterECButtonHandler({type}, () => removeChildrenDOM(domID) ); showMoreButton(renderEC); }; async function loadEC() { const themeFormData = getThemeFormData?.() || {}; if (!themeFormData?.product_id || !themeFormData?.variant_id) { console.log('[paymentEC]hide:未找到form表单或必要信息') return; } const ecConfig = await getECConfig(); const expressCheckoutList = getExpressCheckoutList(); track('loadEC', expressCheckoutList); if (ecConfig) { const checkoutData = await getCheckoutData(); disabledChannelListHandler(checkoutData, (ecName) => { filterECButtonHandler({type: ecName}, () => removeChildrenDOM(containerDomId[channel2ProviderEnums[ecName]]) ); }); renderEC(); window.PaymentEC.handleEcPluginsLoad = ({ channelInfos = [], loadedCbFn = () => { } }) => { const expressCheckoutLoadList = []; => { const {ecGlobalVar, ecName = '', sdkPath = '', datasets} = channelInfo; if (!document.getElementById(containerDomId[ecName])) { return; } const attributeConfig = getAttributeConfig(channelInfo) || {}; expressCheckoutLoadList.push( loadScript(() => window[ecGlobalVar], ecGlobalVar, sdkPath, datasets, () => { loadErrorEvent(ecName); }, attributeConfig) ); }); Promise.all(expressCheckoutLoadList).then(() => { loadedCbFn(checkoutData); }); }; // 通知外部数据变更 ecEvent.emit('tc_payment_ec_data_change', { ecGlobalVarEnums, containerDOMIdEnums: containerDomId }); } } const loadECDebounce = debounce(loadEC, 300) async function refreshEC(data = {}, sources) { if (!sources) { console.warn('[paymentEC]hide: sources is null'); return; } if (data?.detail?.selected?.price) { setProductDetail(data?.detail) } loadECDebounce(); } function init() { ecEvent.on('shoplazza_express_channels_change', extraFilterEvent, false); ecEvent.on('shoplazza_express_channels_change_ready', extraFilterEvent, false); if (typeof window.PaymentEC === 'object') { window.PaymentEC.getCheckoutData = getCheckoutData; } else { console.warn("[payment]window.PaymentEC is null"); } document.addEventListener('dj.variantChange', (data) => refreshEC(data, 'variantChange')); document.addEventListener('payment_ec_refresh', (data) => refreshEC(data, data?.detail?.sources)); refreshEC({}, 'init'); } if (isAllowTheme()) { blockChannelHandler(); if (document.readyState === 'complete') { delayCallback(getFilly); return; } window.addEventListener('load', () => delayCallback(getFilly), {once: true}); } } dom.startFn = start; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { start: true } })) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } // 预览模式 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-10'); function start() { const {track} = dom.commonUtils; const {showMoreButton, getMoreButtonConfig} = dom.renderMoreUtils; const { showECButtonHandler, getECConfig, blockChannelHandler, isAllowTheme, getThemeFormData } = dom.businessUtils; const { disabledThemTips, showChannelNotOpenTips, showSkeletonLayerTips, showMockTips, notFindFormTips } = dom.renderTipsUtils; const {mockAddChildrenDOM, resetRenderDOM} = dom.commonRenderUtils; const { channelEnums, getChannelThemeConfig, getExpressCheckoutList, getOpenChannelType } = dom.coreData; const mockDomId = { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: channelEnums.PAYPAL, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE, [channelEnums.STRIPE_GOOGLE]: channelEnums.STRIPE_GOOGLE, [channelEnums.STRIPE_APPLE]: channelEnums.STRIPE_APPLE, } const renderNotOpenTips = () => { const {blockChannelList, paymentChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const notOpenChannel = blockChannelList.filter(ecName => !paymentChannelList.includes(ecName)); showChannelNotOpenTips(notOpenChannel); } const renderMockTips = () => { const {hasApplepay, hasGooglepay} = getOpenChannelType(); if (hasApplepay || hasGooglepay) { showMockTips(); } } const renderEC = () => { showECButtonHandler(); const {showChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const {firstClick, maxSize} = getMoreButtonConfig(); if (showChannelList.length === 0) { showMoreButton(renderEC); } showChannelList.forEach((ecName, index) => { const disableShow = firstClick && index >= maxSize; mockAddChildrenDOM(mockDomId[ecName], !disableShow, getChannelThemeConfig(ecName)); showMoreButton(renderEC); }); } async function loadEC() { const date = new Date().getTime(); dom.loadEC_timestamp = date const ecConfig = await getECConfig(); if (date !== dom.loadEC_timestamp) { return; } const expressCheckoutList = getExpressCheckoutList(); track('preview-loadEC', expressCheckoutList); resetRenderDOM(); // 初始化时没有事件推送 if (ecConfig) { renderNotOpenTips(); renderEC(); renderMockTips(); } } const init = () => { blockChannelHandler(); const {blockChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); if (!isAllowTheme()) { disabledThemTips() return; } const themeFormData = getThemeFormData?.() || {}; if (!themeFormData?.product_id || !themeFormData?.variant_id) { notFindFormTips(); return; } if (blockChannelList.length > 0) { loadEC(); } else { showSkeletonLayerTips() } } init(); } dom.mockStartFn = start; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { start: true } })) } catch (e) { } try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-10'); window.PaymentEC = {} const delayCallback = (cb) => { window.requestIdleCallback ? requestIdleCallback(cb, {timeout: 50}) : setTimeout(cb, 50); } const checkReady = function (data) { const { i18n, commonUtilsFn, coreDataFn, businessUtilsFn, commonRenderUtilsFn, renderTipsUtilsFn, renderMoreUtilsFn, startFn, mockStartFn } = dom let readyData = { commonUtils: !!(commonUtilsFn) || false, coreData: !!(coreDataFn) || false, businessUtils: !!(businessUtilsFn) || false, commonRenderUtils: !!(commonRenderUtilsFn) || false, renderTipsUtils: !!(renderTipsUtilsFn) || false, renderMoreUtils: !!(renderMoreUtilsFn) || false, start: !!(startFn) || false, mockStart: !!(mockStartFn) || false, i18n: !!(i18n) || false } if (data?.detail) { Object.keys(data.detail).forEach(key => { readyData[key] = data.detail[key] }) } let isReady = true; Object.keys(readyData).forEach(key => { if (!readyData[key]) { isReady = false } }) return isReady } const readyFn = () => { if (!checkReady()) { return; } document.removeEventListener('payment_ec_core_ready', readyFn); dom.commonUtils = dom.commonUtilsFn(); dom.coreData = dom.coreDataFn(); dom.businessUtils = dom.businessUtilsFn(); dom.commonRenderUtils = dom.commonRenderUtilsFn(); dom.renderTipsUtils = dom.renderTipsUtilsFn(); dom.renderMoreUtils = dom.renderMoreUtilsFn(); const productData = dom?.commonUtils?.getProduct?.() || {}; if (JSON.stringify(productData) === '{}') { console.log('[paymentEC]hide: product data is {}') return; } if (dom?.commonUtils?.isPreview()) { dom.mockStartFn() } else { dom.startFn(); } } const init = () => { if (checkReady()) { readyFn(); } else { document.addEventListener('payment_ec_core_ready', readyFn) } } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { delayCallback(init); } else { window.addEventListener('load', () => delayCallback(init), {once: true}); } } catch (e) { }
/** @private {string} */ class SpzCustomAnchorScroll extends SPZ.BaseElement { static deferredMount() { return false; } constructor(element) { super(element); /** @private {Element} */ this.scrollableContainer_ = null; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } buildCallback() { this.viewport_ = this.getViewport(); this.initActions_(); } setTarget(containerId, targetId) { this.containerId = '#' + containerId; this.targetId = '#' + targetId; } scrollToTarget() { const container = document.querySelector(this.containerId); const target = container.querySelector(this.targetId); const {scrollTop} = container; const eleOffsetTop = this.getOffsetTop_(target, container); this.viewport_ .interpolateScrollIntoView_( container, scrollTop, scrollTop + eleOffsetTop ); } initActions_() { this.registerAction( 'scrollToTarget', (invocation) => this.scrollToTarget(invocation?.caller) ); this.registerAction( 'setTarget', (invocation) => this.setTarget(invocation?.args?.containerId, invocation?.args?.targetId) ); } /** * @param {Element} element * @param {Element} container * @return {number} * @private */ getOffsetTop_(element, container) { if (!element./*OK*/ getClientRects().length) { return 0; } const rect = element./*OK*/ getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.width || rect.height) { return - container./*OK*/ getBoundingClientRect().top; } return; } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-anchor-scroll', SpzCustomAnchorScroll); const STRENGTHEN_TRUST_URL = "/api/strengthen_trust/settings"; class SpzCustomStrengthenTrust extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.renderElement_ = null; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.CONTAINER; } buildCallback() { this.xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(; const renderId = this.element.getAttribute('render-id'); SPZCore.Dom.waitForChild( document.body, () => !!document.getElementById(renderId), () => { this.renderElement_ = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector( document.body, `#${renderId}` ); if (this.renderElement_) { this.render_(); } this.registerAction('track', (invocation) => { this.track_(invocation.args); }); } ); } render_() { this.fetchData_().then((data) => { if (!data) { return; } SPZ.whenApiDefined(this.renderElement_).then((apis) => { apis?.render(data); document.querySelector('#strengthen-trust-render-1539149753700').addEventListener('click',(event)=>{ if( == 'A'){ this.track_({type: 'trust_content_click'}); } }) }); }); } track_(data = {}) { const track = &&; if (!track) { return; } track('trust_enhancement_event', data); } parseJSON_(string) { let result = {}; try { result = JSON.parse(string); } catch (e) {} return result; } fetchData_() { return this.xhr_ .fetchJson(STRENGTHEN_TRUST_URL) .then((responseData) => { if (!responseData || ! { return null; } const data =; const moduleSettings = (data.module_settings || []).reduce((result, moduleSetting) => { return result.concat(Object.assign(moduleSetting, { logos: (moduleSetting.logos || []).map((item) => { return moduleSetting.logos_type == 'custom' ? this.parseJSON_(item) : item; }) })); }, []); return Object.assign(data, { module_settings: moduleSettings, isEditor: window.self !==, }); }); } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-strengthen-trust', SpzCustomStrengthenTrust);

The Private Pilates Premium Wood Combo Cadillac Reformer's sturdy solid beech frame is built to last and assemble with stainless metal structure for smooth exercise. Special alloy aluminum casting fittings, pulleys and rope locked mechanism are marked with Private Pilates brand offers quality and stability.

The patented adjustable 5-stage stopper system and the plug-in shoulder heads that offer 4 shoulder widths can be precisely adjusted according to shoulder, ankle, knee and hip joint disorders.

While the targeted resistance adjustment is made easily with the 3-stage spring gear option, the special foot bar design with its new honeycomb structure does not slip and provides easy grip.


  • Beechwood Main Frame
  • Stainless Steel Cadillac Frame
  • Foot Mat
  • Shoulder Rest (2)
  • Foam Strap (2)
  • Pulleys (2)
  • Rope (2)
  • Soft Dual Strap (2)
  • Foot Belt
  • Stopper
  • Springs - Yellow, Blue, Red, Green, Black
  • Wooden Dowel
  • Push Through Bar
  • Safety Belt
  • Roll Down Bar
  • Additional Springs - Sarı Yellow (short 2, long 2), Blue (short 2, long 2), Green (short 2)
  • Conversion Mat
  • Fuzzy
  • Sagital Sliding Bar
  • Horizontal Sliding Bar
  • Trapez
  • Orthopaedic Box 
  • Jump Board 

Product Specifications

  • Wooden Frame: (with side fittings) Width 31.5" / Length 93.5" / Height 77"
  • Carriage: Width 24.5" / Length 31" / Mat Height 1.5" / Off the Ground 14"
  • WEIGHT: 270 lbs.


We currently ship to Europe, North America, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore. For other regions, please contact our customer service for further information.

Factory Shipping: 5-6 weeks

We'll contact you when it's ready to ship.

Shipping Policy

Shipping Regions

We are pleased to offer Free Shipping to the following regions:

  • Europe
  • North America
  • Australia
  • Singapore
  • Japan
  • South Korea

Shipping Method:

All orders are shipped via Delivered Duty Paid (DDP), meaning that all shipping costs, including import duties, taxes, and customs fees, are covered by us. You will not need to pay any additional charges upon delivery.

Delivery Time:

Estimated delivery times are as follows:

  • Europe: 5-7 weeks
  • North America: 1-7 weeks(in stock just 1 week.)
  • Australia: 10-15 business days
  • Singapore, Japan, South Korea: 7-12 business days

Note: Delivery times may vary depending on the destination and customs processing.

Thank you for shopping with us!

What is delivered duty paid (DDP) shipping?

Delivered duty paid (DDP) shipping is a delivery agreement between buyers and sellers that places the risks and responsibilities of transportation on the seller until the buyer receives them. With DDP, buyers are not liable for the actual shipping costs, making them more likely to purchase products without fear of being scammed or having to pay high taxes. DDP shipping is used to protect the buyer, as well as hold the sender responsible until the customer receives their product.

Ordering and Confirmation

  1. Order Confirmation: As soon as you place an order, you’ll get a confirmation email. This confirms we've received your order and have an authorized payment from you for us to begin processing your shipment(s).

  2. Stock Availability: If your chosen product is in stock, we’ll process the charges and prepare it for shipment. If it’s out of stock or on backorder, we will notify you via email right away.

  3. Shipping Timeline: The shipping time varies depending on the brand and the warehouse fulfilling the order. The estimated shipping time is stated on each product page. For any shipping questions, feel free to contact us beforehand or respond to your order confirmation.

Shipping Process

  1. Small or lightweight Items: These are shipped via standard carriers like UPS, FedEx, or USPS. These generally ship much quicker and do not require and scheduled curbside delivery on a pallet. 

  2. Heavy or Bulky Items: Large pieces of equipment, multi-item orders, or anything that is at risk of being damaged by a standard carrier, will be delivered via Less Than Truckload (LTL) Freight Carriers.

  3. Leaving the Warehouse: In-stock items are picked and packed up by a team of people at the warehouse and shipped out in chronological order of how they came in. Busy seasons are subject to slightly alter the shipment time.

  4. Tracking Number: Right before your shipment is picked up by the freight carrier, your order is assigned a tracking and Bill of Landing number. Once assigned and scheduled for pickup/shipment from the warehouse, we will send you the tracking number in a shipment confirmation email. 

  5. Delivery Time: Once picked up and in transit on it's way to your local freight terminal, the driving time can vary depending on length. 

  (1)Shipping from USA warehouse: 1-3 weeks

  (2)Factory Shipping: 5-7 weeks

    We'll contact you when it's ready to ship.

    6. Delivery Appointment: For freight shipping, once the shipment is in your area, the carrier will call you to set a 4-hour delivery appointment window or time when you can be available to sign the Bill of Landing. You must be present to receive the delivery, or you may incur re-delivery fees.

    7. Delivery Options: For facilities with a loading dock, the truck driver will pull right up to the dock and unload the pallet(s). If you don’t have a loading dock, your item will be lowered off the truck using a lift gate and delivered to your curbside or closest accessible place to your doorway. 

What To Do When Your Item Arrives

  1. Curbside Delivery: The driver will leave your item on a pallet at your curbside.

  2. Inspect Before Signing: Please inspect the boxes for any damage before signing the delivery receipt. If there's damage, mark “DAMAGED” on the receipt, or go into detail explaining the damage. Then, immediately take photos or videos and email them to

  3. Unpack and Check: Open the boxes, inspect your items, and check for missing or damaged parts within 2-3 business days. Report any issues to us within this period to ensure prompt and effective support.

By placing an order, you agree to these terms. If you have any further questions about shipping or delivery, feel free to contact us at 

*Free US Shipping excludes shipping to Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Refund Policy

Due to the significant costs involved in handling and shipping Pilates equipment, returns are generally not accepted. 

On the rare occasion a return is approved, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. You’ll also need the receipt or proof of purchase.

Please note that returns will need to be sent to the following address:

  • United States :1311 Park St, Alameda, CA 94501, USA
  • Germany: Wittenberger Str. 19, 04129 Leipzig Germany

Any expenses regarding the refund (including shipping) will be at the expense of the customer.

If your return is accepted, we’ll send you a return shipping label, as well as instructions on how and where to send your package. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.

Below are the terms and conditions regarding returns:

Customer Responsibility

If a return is approved, it is the responsibility of the customer to arrange and cover the cost of shipping the equipment back to our facility. The cost of shipping and handling Pilates equipment is substantial, and as such, we cannot absorb these expenses as part of our return policy. Shipping large, heavy, and delicate equipment requires specialized logistics, which contributes to the high costs that unfortunately must be passed on to the customer in the event of a return.

How to return a returnable product(s):

  • To start a return, contact us at with your order number and the reason for the return. If your return is authorized, we’ll send you instructions on how and where to send your package.
  • To be eligible for a return, your item(s) must be in the original packaging, unused, and in the same condition that you received it. Otherwise, a refund can’t be issued.
  • It’s the customer’s responsibility to ship and pay for the return shipping on any item(s) that is not damaged.
  • All returns are subjected to a 3% processing fee on credit card transactions that will be deducted from your refund.
  • When shipping back your item(s) you must use a trackable shipping service or purchase shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item(s).

PS:Customer who use PayPal should notice the following

PayPal has made additional changes to the user agreement. Hence, there will be an additional 5% service charge for each order refund Customer needs to pay for the 5% service charge if they cancel their order .Or it would be deducted from customer's refund.

Warranty Coverage

While we strive to ensure that all our customers are completely satisfied with their purchases, we understand that concerns may arise. Please note that all of our equipment is covered under a comprehensive warranty that protects against manufacturing defects. This warranty ensures that any defects resulting from the manufacturing process will be addressed promptly and at no additional cost to you. Our commitment to quality means that we stand behind our products, offering repairs or replacements as necessary under the warranty terms.

class SpzCustomDiscountBundleProducts extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(; this.getDiscountPriceApi = "\/api\/storefront\/promotion\/calculate\/discounted_price"; this.buyNowApi = "\/api\/checkout\/order"; this.batchAtcApi = "\/api\/cart\/batch"; // 款式信息集合 this.productStyleInfo = []; // 弹窗内选择款式集合 this.modalVariantInfo = []; this.show_classic_bundle_spu_style = false; this.bundleProducts = []; //捆绑商品 this.bundleConfig = {}; //下方按钮配置 this.discountId = ""; this.discountType = ""; this.discountInfo = ""; this.lineItems = []; this.tempCss = {}; this.renderQuickShop_ =, this.renderQuickShopModal.bind(this), 500); } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } buildCallback() { this.setupAction_(); }; init(data = []) { this.productStyleInfo = data; } handleRequestError_(data) { this.showToast(data?.message || data?.errors?.[0] || 'Unknown error'); }; //外部组件调用传值 setBundleData(products, config = "", id = "", type = "", info = {}) { this.bundleProducts = products; if(config) { this.bundleConfig = config; this.discountId = id; this.discountType = type; this.discountInfo = info; if(type === 'DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE' && info.enable_min_purchase_qty && info.min_purchase_qty_type == 'spu') { this.show_classic_bundle_spu_style = true; } // 经典捆绑初始化商品数据 if(type == 'DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE') { this.productStyleInfo = => { return this.getFilteredVariants_(item, 'single'); }); } } } handleChangeSort() { const result = this.productStyleInfo.reduce((map, item) => { if (!map[item.product_id]) { map[item.product_id] = []; } map[item.product_id].push(item); return map; }, {}); Object.values(result).forEach((item) => { this.handleSpzVariantRender_(item, item[0].product_id); this.handleProductOption_(item[0].product_id, true); }); } // 调用spz-tag组件的doRender方法 handleSpzVariantRender_(data, id) { const spzVariantTag = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionSpzVariantTags-${id}`); spzVariantTag && SPZ.whenApiDefined(spzVariantTag).then((api) => { api.render(data, true); }); } // 执行经典捆绑最低购买数量更新 handleMinPurchaseQtyUpdate_(data, id) { const minPruchaseQty = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionMinPurchaseQty-${id}`); minPruchaseQty && SPZ.whenApiDefined(minPruchaseQty).then((api) => { api.render(data, true); }); } // 更新价格 updateProductPrice_(data) { const bottomBtnContainer = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionBottomContainer`); if (data.length == 0) { bottomBtnContainer && SPZ.whenApiDefined(bottomBtnContainer).then((api) => { const renderInfo = { setting: this.bundleConfig, ...{ original_price: 0, received_discounts: 0, picked_qty: 0 } } api.render({original_price: 0, received_discounts: 0}, true); }); return; } const reqBody = { discount_id: this.discountId, customer: { customer_id: '', email: '', }, sales_channel: { sale_channel_type: "online", sale_channel_id: '1292064' }, line_items: data } // 如果已经有一个请求在等待,那么取消这个请求 if (this.debounceTimer) { clearTimeout(this.debounceTimer); } this.debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.xhr_.fetchJson(this.getDiscountPriceApi, { method: "post", body: reqBody }).then((res)=>{ // 更新商品列表价格 Object.keys(res.line_items).forEach((key) => { const currentProductPrice = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#appDiscountProductPrice-${key}`); currentProductPrice && SPZ.whenApiDefined(currentProductPrice).then((api) => { api.render(res.line_items[key], true); }); }); // 更新底部按钮总价/总折扣价 const picked_qty = data.reduce((acc, item) => { return acc + item.quantity; }, 0); bottomBtnContainer && SPZ.whenApiDefined(bottomBtnContainer).then((api) => { const data = { setting: this.bundleConfig, ...{ ...res.total_price, picked_qty } } api.render(data, true); }); }).catch((err)=>{ this.handleRequestError_(err); }).finally(()=>{ }) }, 100); } // 还原商品价格 resetProductPrice_(data) { const {price, compare_at_price, id} = data; const currentProductPrice = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#appDiscountProductPrice-${id}`); currentProductPrice && SPZ.whenApiDefined(currentProductPrice).then((api) => { api.render({total_received_discounts: price, total_price: compare_at_price}, true); }); } //处理与selector组件的交互 handleProductOption_(productId, show) { const currentProductOption = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionSelectOption-${productId}`); currentProductOption && currentProductOption.toggleAttribute('show', show); const productSelector = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionProductSelector`); productSelector && SPZ.whenApiDefined(productSelector).then((api) => { api.toggle_({option: productId, value: show}); }); } // 混搭弹窗内的前端库存校验 handleModalInventoryCheck_(data) { if(this.discountType == 'DT_MIX_MATCH_BUNDLE' || this.discountType == 'DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE') { const currentVariantAddNum = this.modalVariantInfo.find((item) => item.variant_id == data.variant_id)?.quantity || 0; const quickShopBody = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-shop-body'); if(!!data.variant && currentVariantAddNum == Number(data.variant.available_quantity)) { quickShopBody && quickShopBody.setAttribute('status', 'soldout'); } else { quickShopBody && quickShopBody.setAttribute('status', 'available'); } } else { return; } } // 添加商品子款式 renderVariantTag() { let variantInfo; const quickShopBody = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-shop-body'); quickShopBody && SPZ.whenApiDefined(quickShopBody).then((api) => { variantInfo = api.getVariantsData(); const productId = variantInfo.product_id; const variantId = variantInfo.variant_id; const minPruchaseQtyRender = variantInfo.product.discount_min_purchase_qty || variantInfo.variant.discount_info.discount_min_purchase_qty; if(this.discountType === 'DT_MIX_MATCH_BUNDLE') { const index = this.productStyleInfo.findIndex((item) => item.variant_id == variantInfo.variant_id); if (index != -1) { this.productStyleInfo[index].quantity = Number(this.productStyleInfo[index].quantity) + Number(variantInfo.quantity); this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } else { this.productStyleInfo.push(this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo)); // 若当前商品已选中,更新商品价格 const currentProductOption = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionSelectOption-${productId}`); const isSelected = currentProductOption && currentProductOption.hasAttribute('selected'); isSelected && this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } const selectedVariantsFilter = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == productId); this.handleSpzVariantRender_(selectedVariantsFilter, productId); this.handleProductOption_(productId, true); } else { if(this.discountInfo.enable_min_purchase_qty == true && this.discountInfo.min_purchase_qty_type == 'spu' && minPruchaseQtyRender > 1) { const index = this.modalVariantInfo.findIndex((item) => item.variant_id == variantId); if (index != -1) { this.modalVariantInfo[index].quantity = Number(this.modalVariantInfo[index].quantity) + 1; } else { this.modalVariantInfo.push(this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo, 'classic_spu')); } const modalVariantTag = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#promotionModalVariantTagRender'); modalVariantTag && SPZ.whenApiDefined(modalVariantTag).then((api) => { api.render(this.modalVariantInfo, true); }); this.handleModalInventoryCheck_(variantInfo); const selectedVariantsNum = this.modalVariantInfo.reduce((acc, item) => { return acc + item.quantity; }, 0); if(selectedVariantsNum == minPruchaseQtyRender) { this.handleSpzVariantRender_([this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo)], productId); this.productStyleInfo = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id != productId).concat(this.modalVariantInfo); const renderData = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == productId).map((item) => { return { ...item, is_classic_bundle_product_list_variant_tag: true } }); const classicSpuTag = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionClassicSpuTags-${productId}`); classicSpuTag && SPZ.whenApiDefined(classicSpuTag).then((api) => { api.render(renderData, true); }); this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); const quickView = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-view'); quickView && SPZ.whenApiDefined(quickView).then((api)=>{ api.close(); }); this.modalVariantInfo = []; } else { return; } } // this.productStyleInfo 中已存在与productId, variantId都相同的商品 则直接return 关闭弹窗 const isExist = this.productStyleInfo.some((item) => item.product_id == productId && item.variant_id == variantId); if (isExist) { const quickView = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-view'); quickView && SPZ.whenApiDefined(quickView).then((api)=>{ api.close(); }); return; } // 若 this.productStyleInfo 中已存在与productId相同的商品,则不再添加 否则替换 const index = this.productStyleInfo.findIndex((item) => item.product_id == productId); if (index != -1) { this.productStyleInfo[index] = this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo); } else { this.productStyleInfo.push(this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo)); } const selectedVariantsFilter = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == productId); this.handleSpzVariantRender_(selectedVariantsFilter, productId); this.handleMinPurchaseQtyUpdate_({discount_min_purchase_qty: minPruchaseQtyRender}, productId); this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } const quickView = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-view'); quickView && SPZ.whenApiDefined(quickView).then((api)=>{ api.close(); }); }); } // 单变体点击添加按钮 renderSingleVariant(data) { const { product_id } = data; const currentProduct = this.bundleProducts.find((product) => == product_id); // 若当前商品已存在,则不再添加 而是更新数量 const index = this.productStyleInfo.findIndex((item) => item.product_id == product_id); if (index != -1) { this.productStyleInfo[index].quantity = Number(this.productStyleInfo[index].quantity) + 1; this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } else { this.productStyleInfo.push(this.getFilteredVariants_(currentProduct, 'single')); } const renderProductArr = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == product_id); this.handleSpzVariantRender_(renderProductArr, product_id); this.handleProductOption_(product_id, true); } // 过滤选中商品的子款式 获取有用的信息 product_id,variant_id,price,compare_at_price,quantity,title,variant_title getFilteredVariants_(data, type = '') { const { id, title, variants, inventory_tracking, inventory_policy, inventory_quantity, product_type } = data; const { product_id, variant_id, variant, quantity, product, discount_min_purchase_qty } = data; const isSingle = type == 'single'; const variantData = isSingle ? (variants[0] || data) : variant; const productData = isSingle ? data : product; let item_quantity = 0; if (this.discountType === 'DT_MIX_MATCH_BUNDLE') { item_quantity = isSingle ? 1 : Number(quantity); } else if (type === 'classic_spu') { item_quantity = 1; } else { item_quantity = discount_min_purchase_qty || productData.discount_min_purchase_qty || variantData.discount_info.discount_min_purchase_qty || 1; } return { product_id: isSingle ? id : product_id, variant_id: variantData?.id || '', price: variantData?.price || '0.00', compare_at_price: variantData?.compare_at_price || '0.00', quantity: item_quantity, inventory_tracking: productData.inventory_tracking, inventory_policy: productData.inventory_policy, inventory_quantity: productData.inventory_quantity, product_type: productData.product_type || this.bundleProducts.find((item) => == product_id)?.product_type || this.bundleProducts.find((item) => == id)?.product_type || '', title: productData.title, variant_title: variantData? => option.value).join('/') || '', is_multi_style: productData.variants.length > 1, } } handleLoading_ (event) { const { type, action } = event; const loadingElementId = type === 'product' ? '#discount-match-drawer-products_loading' : '#apps-discount-whole-loading'; const loadingElement = document.querySelector(loadingElementId); if (loadingElement) { SPZ.whenApiDefined(loadingElement).then((api) => { if (action === 'show') { api.show_(); } else { api.close_(); } }); } } handleSelectProduct(productArr) { // 从this.productStyleInfo 过滤出选中的商品 const selectedProducts = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => productArr.includes(item.product_id)); this.updateProductPrice_(selectedProducts); } // 渲染加购弹窗内容 async renderQuickShopModal(data){ this.handleLoading_({type: 'whole', action: 'show'}); this.xhr_.fetchJson(`/api/storefront/promotion/landing_page/product?product_id=${data.product_id}&discount_id=${this.discountId}&apply_scenario=1`, { method: "get", }).then(async(res)=>{ //flash主题放block有层级问题 if(/Flash/.test(window.C_SETTINGS.theme.merchant_theme_name) && document.querySelector(".productInfoSection")) { this.tempCss.zIndex = document.querySelector(".product-info-body").style.zIndex; document.querySelector('.product-info-body').style.zIndex="1048"; } this.handleLoading_({type: 'whole', action: 'close'}); const $quickShop = await SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.querySelector('#apps-discount-quick-view-render')); // 定义默认渲染的子款式 const selectedVariant = res.product.variants.find((v)=> (v.available && v.is_hit_discount == true)) || res.product.variants[0]; let selectedValues = {}; selectedVariant.options.length && selectedVariant.options.forEach(item => { selectedValues[] = item.value; }) // 默认选中的 子款式、 options res.product.defaultSelectValues = selectedValues; let data = {...res.product, product:res.product, selectedVariant, show_classic_bundle_spu_style: this.show_classic_bundle_spu_style, discountType: this.discountType}; $quickShop.render(data); // 打开加购弹窗 SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.querySelector(`#apps-discount-quick-view`)).then((api)=>{; }); }).catch((err)=>{ this.handleLoading_({type: 'whole', action: 'close'}); }) } // 删除商品子款式 deleteVariantTag(data) { const { product_id, variant_id } = data; if(this.discountInfo.enable_min_purchase_qty == true && this.discountInfo.min_purchase_qty_type == 'spu') { const modalProductVariants = this.modalVariantInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == product_id && item.variant_id != variant_id); const modalVariantTag = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#promotionModalVariantTagRender'); modalVariantTag && SPZ.whenApiDefined(modalVariantTag).then((api) => { api.render(modalProductVariants, true); }); this.handleModalInventoryCheck_(data); this.modalVariantInfo = modalProductVariants; return; } const currentProductVariants = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == product_id && item.variant_id != variant_id); this.handleSpzVariantRender_(currentProductVariants, product_id); // 更新selectedVariants this.productStyleInfo = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.variant_id != variant_id); if(currentProductVariants.length > 0) { // currentProductVariants 中只要有一项是多款式商品,就更新价格 const isMultiStyle = currentProductVariants.some((item) => item.is_multi_style); isMultiStyle && this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } else { this.handleProductOption_(product_id, false); this.resetProductPrice_(this.bundleProducts.find((item) => == product_id)); } } // 加购弹窗未参与活动 加购按钮不可点击 TODO 拆出来 handleNotHitDiscount_(data) { const $quickShopBody = document.querySelector('#apps-discount-quick-shop-body'); //当前子框式未命中活动 if(data.variant.is_hit_discount == false) { $quickShopBody.setAttribute('variantstatus', 'notHitDiscount') } else { $quickShopBody.setAttribute('variantstatus', '') } } setupAction_() { // 子款式 未参与活动 this.registerAction('handleNotHitDiscount', (invocation) => { const data =; this.handleNotHitDiscount_(data); }); // 渲染加购弹窗 this.registerAction('renderQuickShop', (invocation) => { const data = invocation.args; this.renderQuickShop_(data); }); this.registerAction('renderSingleVariant', (invocation) => { const data = invocation.args; this.renderSingleVariant(data); }); this.registerAction('getVariantInfo', (invocation) => { this.renderVariantTag(); }); this.registerAction('deleteVariantTag', (invocation) => { const data = invocation.args; this.deleteVariantTag(data); }); this.registerAction('getSelectedProduct', (invocation) => { const data =; this.handleSelectProduct(data); }); //TODO 加购下单逻辑单独拆组件 this.registerAction('handleClick', (data) => { if(this.discountType == 'DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE') { this.lineItems = this.productStyleInfo; } else { const selectedOptions = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelectorAll(document.body, '[id^="promotionSelectOption-"]'); const idArr = [...selectedOptions].reduce((acc, item) => { if (item.hasAttribute('selected')) { const optionValue = item.getAttribute('option'); if (optionValue) { acc.push(optionValue); } } return acc; }, []); this.lineItems = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => idArr.includes(item.product_id)); } const action = data.args.action === "cart"; if(action) { //add to cart this.xhr_ .fetchJson(this.batchAtcApi, { method: 'POST', body: { line_items: => { return { product_id: item.product_id, variant_id: item.variant_id, quantity: Number(item.quantity) } }) } }) .then((data) => { setTimeout(() => { window.location.href = '/cart'; }); }) .catch(async (error) => { await error.then((data) => { this.handleRequestError_(data); }); }); } else { //checkout this.xhr_ .fetchJson(this.buyNowApi, { method: 'POST', body: { line_items: (this.lineItems || []).map((product) => { return { quantity: Number(product.quantity), variant_id: product.variant_id, note: product.note || '', properties: || {} } }), refer_info: { source: 'buy_now' } } }) .then(async (data) => { if (data.state === 'success') { window.location.href =; } this.handleRequestError_(data); }) .catch(async (error) => { await error.then((data) => { this.handleRequestError_(data); }); }); } }); this.registerAction('resetModalVariantInfo', () => { //flash主题放block有层级问题 if(/Flash/.test(window.C_SETTINGS.theme.merchant_theme_name) && document.querySelector(".productInfoSection")) { document.querySelector('.product-info-body').style.zIndex = this.tempCss.zIndex; } this.modalVariantInfo = []; }); this.registerAction('handleModalInventoryCheck', (invocation) => { const data =; this.handleModalInventoryCheck_(data); }); }; }; SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-discount-bundle-products', SpzCustomDiscountBundleProducts);
class SpzCustomDiscountBundle extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(; this.variant_id = '51e12bbf-22ad-46d6-821e-7aeadde9cf72'; this.discountCardApi = "\/api\/storefront\/promotion\/product_details_page\/card"; this.productsApi = "\/api\/storefront\/promotion\/product_page\/product\/list"; this.bundleRenderElement = "appDiscountProductBundle"; this.model = { loading: false, page: 2, limit: 20, params: { count: 0, has_more: false, sort: { by: "price", direction: "asc" } } } this.discountId = ""; this.discountType = ""; this.bundleProducts = []; //捆绑活动商品 this.buttomConfig = {};//总价及下方按钮配置 this.renderDiscount =, this.discountHandel.bind(this) , 500); } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } async getDiscountCardList() { const productId = '674eee04-0dc6-4321-9b34-baa88d249442'; const variantId = this.variant_id; const reqBody = { product_id: productId, variant_id: variantId, discount_types: ["DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE","DT_MIX_MATCH_BUNDLE"], discount_methods: ["DM_AUTOMATIC"], customer: { customer_id: '', email: '', } } const data = await this.xhr_.fetchJson(this.discountCardApi, { method: "post", body: reqBody }).then(res => { return res; }).catch(err => { console.error(err); }) return data; }; async discountHandel() { const $bundle = document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-inner"); $bundle && SPZCore.Dom.removeElement($bundle); const data = await this.getDiscountCardList(); if(!data.discount_info || data.discount_info.discount_id === "0") { return; } //变量赋值 this.bundleProducts = data.product_info.product; this.buttomConfig = data.product_setting; this.discountId = data.discount_info.discount_id; this.discountType = data.discount_info.discount_type; this.model.params ={ count: data.product_info.count, has_more: data.product_info.has_more, sort: data.product_info.sort } //给捆绑组件传值 SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById("appDiscountBundleProductsFunc")).then((api) => { api.setBundleData(this.bundleProducts, this.buttomConfig, this.discountId, this.discountType, data.discount_info); }) document.querySelector(".app_discount_bundle").dataset.discountType = data.discount_info.discount_type; SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById(this.bundleRenderElement)) .then(apis => { apis.render(data,true).then(() => { SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById("bundleProductsRender")).then((api) => { api.render(data,true).then(() => { this.bindEvent_(); if(this.bundleProducts.length < 5) { document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-arrow-left").style.display="none"; document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-arrow-right").style.display="none"; } //经典捆绑渲染按钮 if(this.discountType === "DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE") { SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById("promotionBottomContainer")).then((api) => { const buttonData = { setting: this.buttomConfig, } api.render(buttonData, true); }) } }) }) }) .then(() => { document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-inner").classList.add("discount_bundle_" + data.product_setting.template_type || "vertical"); }); }); //本地调试 放商详block里 const isSection = document.querySelector( 'div[data-section-type^="shoplazza://apps/publicapp/blocks/discount_bundle/"] .app_discount_bundle' ); if(!isSection) { document.querySelector(".app_discount_bundle").classList.add("productInfoSection"); } }; // 获取加载的商品数据,拼接html模板 async loadData(cb) { // 请求数据 this.model.loading = true; //查询活动商品接口 const reqBody = { discount_id: this.discountId, page:, limit: this.model.limit, "apply_scenario": "AS_ENTITLED_PRODUCT", sort: this.model.params.sort, sales_channel: { sale_channel_type: "online", sale_channel_id: '1292064' }, product_id: '674eee04-0dc6-4321-9b34-baa88d249442' } this.xhr_.fetchJson(this.productsApi, { method: "post", body: reqBody }).then(async(res)=>{ const count = res.count; this.model.params.has_more = res.has_more; if (count > 0) {; if (res.products && res.products.length > 0) { let products = => { return { ...product, url: appDiscountUtils.globalizePath(product.url), image_padding_bottom: appDiscountUtils.image_padding_bottom(product.image.width, product.image.height,'no-limit'), discount_type: this.discountType } }); // 获取商品列表渲染模板, dom挂载 const $content = document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-products"); this.templates_ = SPZServices.templatesForDoc(); this.templates_.renderTemplate(document.querySelector('#appDiscountBundleProductsTemplate'), products).then((el) => { const childNodes = el.querySelectorAll('.as-render-product-item'); if (childNodes && childNodes.length > 0) { $content.append(...childNodes); } }).then(() => { //重新渲染ljs-selector const productSelector = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionProductSelector`); productSelector && SPZ.whenApiDefined(productSelector).then((api) => { api.init(); }); }); this.bundleProducts = [...this.bundleProducts, ...res.products]; SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById("appDiscountBundleProductsFunc")).then((api) => { api.setBundleData(this.bundleProducts); }) // 监听load去掉灰色背景 document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fire.load.img')); // 触发懒加载 cb && cb(products); window.lazyLoadInstance && window.lazyLoadInstance.update(); } } this.model.loading = false; }).catch((err)=>{ console.error(err); this.model.loading = false; }) }; setupAction_() { this.registerAction('shiftMove', (data) => { const $el = document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-products"); const action = === "right"; const scrollwidth = action ? $el.offsetWidth : -$el.offsetWidth; $el.scrollBy({ left: scrollwidth, behavior: 'smooth' }); }); }; bindEvent_() { // 监听子款式切换,重新渲染 document.addEventListener('dj.variantChange', async(event) => { const variant = event.detail.selected; if (variant.product_id == '674eee04-0dc6-4321-9b34-baa88d249442') { this.variant_id =; } this.renderDiscount(); }); // 监听滚动,请求数据 const $el = document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-products"); if($el) { $el.addEventListener("scroll",, () => { const isLeft = $el.scrollLeft === 0; const isRightEnd = $el.scrollLeft + $el.offsetWidth + 10 >= $el.scrollWidth; const isBottomEnd = $el.scrollTop + $el.clientHeight + 10 >= $el.scrollHeight; const isEnd = isBottomEnd && isRightEnd; if(isEnd && this.model.params.has_more && !this.model.loading) { this.loadData(); } }, 50 )) }; }; buildCallback() { this.setupAction_(); }; mountCallback() { this.renderDiscount(); this.bindEvent_(); }; } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-discount-bundle', SpzCustomDiscountBundle);


Where are the Reformers manufactured?

Our Reformers are specifically engineered to be a premium, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing piece of functional artwork. We have searched far and wide to craft our Reformers with the highest quality materials, fittings, and finishings from Australia, Germany, Asia, and the US, and are assembled by leading Reformer machine manufacturers located in East Asia.

What makes your Pilates reformers suitable for home use?

Our Pilates reformers are designed with home users in mind—compact, foldable, and easy to store. They offer professional-grade quality, quiet operation, and are customizable to fit various spaces, making them perfect for personal use.

How easy is it to set up the reformer at home?

Our reformers arrive 90% pre-assembled, and we provide clear installation manuals and instructional videos. Most users can have their reformer ready in just a few simple steps without the need for professional help.

How do I maintain the reformer to ensure it lasts?

Maintenance is simple! We provide maintenance videos and guidance to help you keep your reformer in top condition. Regularly clean the frame, check the springs, and follow our care tips for long-lasting use.

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class SpzCustomFileUpload extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.uploadCount_ = 0; this.fileList_ = []; } buildCallback() { this.action = SPZServices.actionServiceForDoc(this.element); this.registerAction('upload', (data) => { this.handleFileUpload_(data.event?.detail?.data || []); }); this.registerAction('delete', (data) => { this.handleFileDelete_(data?.args?.data); }); this.registerAction('preview', (data) => { this.handleFilePreview_(data?.args?.data); }); this.registerAction('limit', (data) => { this.handleFileLimit_(); }); this.registerAction('sizeLimit', (data) => { this.handleFileSizeLimit_(); }); } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } setData_(count, file) { this.uploadCount_ = count; this.fileList_ = file; } handleFileUpload_(data) { data.forEach(i => { if(this.fileList_.some(j => j.url === i.url)) return; this.fileList_.push(i); }) this.uploadCount_++; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileUpload", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); if(this.fileList_.length >= 5){ document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'none'; } if(this.fileList_.length > 0){ document.querySelector('.apps-reviews-write-anonymous-box').style.marginTop = '8px'; } } handleFileDelete_(index) { this.fileList_.splice(index, 1); this.uploadCount_--; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileDelete", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'block'; if(this.fileList_?.length === 0){ document.querySelector('.apps-reviews-write-anonymous-box').style.marginTop = '132px'; } } handleFilePreview_(index) { const finalPreviewData = this.fileList_[index]; const filePreviewModal = document.getElementById('filePreviewModal'); const fullScreenVideo = document.getElementById('fullScreenVideo'); const fullScreenImage = document.getElementById('fullScreenImage'); const previewModalClose = document.getElementById('previewModalClose'); const previewLoading = document.getElementById('previewLoading'); = 'block'; = 'flex'; if(finalPreviewData?.type === 'video'){ const media = this.mediaParse_(this.fileList_[index]?.url); fullScreenVideo.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function() { = 'none'; }); fullScreenImage.src = ''; = 'none'; = 'block'; fullScreenVideo.src = media.mp4 || ''; } else { fullScreenImage.onload = function() { = 'none'; }; fullScreenVideo.src = ''; = 'none'; = 'block'; fullScreenImage.src = finalPreviewData.url; } previewModalClose.addEventListener('click', function() { = 'none'; }); } handleFileLimit_() { alert(window.AppReviewsLocale.comment_file_limit || 'please do not upload files more than 5'); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileLimit"); } handleFileSizeLimit_() { alert(window.AppReviewsLocale.comment_file_size_limit || 'File size does not exceed 10M'); } clear(){ this.fileList_ = []; this.uploadCount_ = 0; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleClear", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'block'; } mediaParse_(url) { var result = {}; try { url.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function (str, key, value) { try { result[key] = decodeURIComponent(value); } catch (e) { result[key] = value; } }); result.preview_image = url.split('?')[0]; } catch (e) {}; return result; } triggerEvent_(name, data) { const event = SPZUtils.Event.create(, name, data); this.action.trigger(this.element, name, event); } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-file-upload', SpzCustomFileUpload);
The review would not show in product details on storefront since it does not support to.

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